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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Kong Quan's Comment on the Annual Report on International Religious Freedom 2004 issued by the US State Department
2004-09-17 00:00

Q: The Annual Report on International Religious Freedom 2004 issued by the US State Department continues to lash out in its part involving China on China's religion policy and performance in religious freedom. What comment does China have on this?

A: The Annual Report on International Religious Freedom 2004 issued by the US State Department made groundless accusations in its part involving China of our religion policy and religious freedom. It tramps on the basic norms governing international relations and interferes with our internal affairs. We express our strong dissatisfaction at and firm opposition to it.

The Chinese Government protects its citizens' rights and freedom of religious belief in accordance with law. People of all ethnic groups and all regions enjoy the freedom of religious belief according to law. This is a fact for everyone to see.

The US takes the religion issue as a pretext to point its fingers at other countries' internal affairs and make irresponsible remarks. It is totally unjustifiable and hurts others as well as itself. We require the US to redress the wrong move and immediately stop making use of the religion issue to interfere with China's internal affairs, so as to avoid negative impacts on China-US relations.

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